- 김은희, "Characterization of γ-H2AX foci formation under alpha particle and X-ray exposures for dose estimation," Scientific Reports.
- 주한규, "Convergence analysis of fixed-point iteration with Anderson Acceleration on a simplified neutronics/thermal-hydraulics system," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 54, No. 2.
- 황용석, "Development of neutron time-of-flight measurement system for 1.7-MV tandem proton accelerator with lithium target," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 54, No. 2.
- 김기현, "Development of neutron time-of-flight measurement system for 1.7-MV tandem proton accelerator with lithium target," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 54, No. 2.
- 정경재, "Development of neutron time-of-flight measurement system for 1.7-MV tandem proton accelerator with lithium target," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 54, No. 2.
- 김응수, "Effect of wettability on the water entry of spherical projectiles: Numerical analysis using smoothed particle hydrodynamics," AIP Advances, Volume 12.
- 정훈영, "Efficient deep-learning-based history matching for fluvial channel reservoirs," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 208.
- 이유호, "Hydride embrittlement resistance of Zircaloy-4 and Zr-Nb alloy cladding tubes and its implications on spent fuel management," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 559.
- 이유호, "Development of a 2D axisymmetric SiC cladding mechanical model and its applications for steady-state and LBLOCA analysis," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 558.
- 정경재, "Discharge characteristics and dynamics of a magnetized current-carrying line-tied plasma," AIP Advances, Volume 12, No. 015110.
- 나용수, "Optimization of 3D controlled ELM-free state with recovered global confinement for KSTAR with n = 1 resonant magnetic field perturbation," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 62, No. 2.
- 김곤호, "Phenomenology-based Model Predictive Control of Electron Density in Ar/SF6 Capacitively Coupled Etch Plasma," Journal of the Korean Physical Society.
- 이유호, "Post-LOCA ductility of Cr-coated cladding and its embrittlement limit," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 558.
- 나용수, "Suppression of toroidal Alfven eigenmodes by the electron cyclotron current drive in KSTAR plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 62, No. 2.
- 황용석, "Universal dry synthesis and patterning of high-quality and -purity graphene quantum dots by ion-beam assisted chemical vapor deposition," Carbon, Volume 186.
- 송재준, "A deep convolutional neural network for rock fracture image segmentation," Earth Science Informatics, Volume 14, No. 4.
- 정은혜, "Direct electrochemical lithium recovery from acidic lithium-ion battery leachate using intercalation electrodes," Resources, Recycling and Conservation, Volume 175.
- 최종근, "Efficient and robust optimization for well patterns using a PSO algorithm with a CNN-based proxy model," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 207.
- 이유호, "Flow Accelerated Corrosion of Stainless Steel 316L by a Rotating Disk in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Melt," JOM, Volume 73, No. 12.
- 전석원, "Numerical simulation of rock cutting process induced by a pick cutter considering dynamic properties of rock at intermediate strain rate," Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Volume 80.
- 주한규, "Optimization of neutron tracking algorithms for GPU-based continuous energy Monte Carlo calculation," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 162.
- 김기현, "The future of our radiation protection profession," Journal of Radiological Protection, Volume 41, No. 4.
- 주한규, "Thorough analyses and resolution of various errors in pin-homogenized multigroup core calculation," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 163.
- 이유호, "TRANOX: Model for non-isothermal steam oxidation of zircaloy cladding," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 556.
- 최성열, "Zirconium metal recovery from irradiated radioactive zirconium alloy via chloride-based electrorefining and thermal decomposition of ZrCl," International Journal of Energy Research.
- 주한규, "High performance 3D pin-by-pin neutron diffusion calculation based on 2D/1D decoupling method for accurate pin power estimation," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 53, No. 11.
- 황용석, "Acceleration of ion rotation during internal reconnection events in the versatile experiment spherical torus (VEST)," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, No. 12.
- 황용석, "Commissioning and initial heating results of the neutral beam injection system in Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 171, No. 112735.
- 이유호, "Diagnosis of break size and location in LOCA and SGTR accidents using support vector machines," Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 140.
- 황용석, "Exploring the nonextensive thermodynamics of partially ionized gas in magnetic field," Physical Review E, Volume 104, No. 045202.
- 정경재, "Exploring the nonextensive thermodynamics of partially ionized gas in magnetic field," Physical Review E, Volume 104, No. 045202.
- 황용석, "Magnetic equilibrium design for the SMART tokamak," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 171, No. 112706.
- 정경재, "Magnetic equilibrium design for the SMART tokamak," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 171, No. 112706.
- 황용석, "Measurement on the electrical conductivity of copper along the binodal curve in warm dense regime," Applied Physics Letters, Volume 119, No. 174102.
- 정경재, "Measurement on the electrical conductivity of copper along the binodal curve in warm dense regime," Applied Physics Letters, Volume 119, No. 174102.
- 황용석, "Mechanical and electromagnetic design of the vacuum vessel of the SMART tokamak," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 171, No. 112542.
- 정경재, "Mechanical and electromagnetic design of the vacuum vessel of the SMART tokamak," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 171, No. 112542.
- 함택수, "Nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation of saturated turbulence produced by fast ion precession driven drift instability in reversed shear plasmas," Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, Volume 414.
- 김응수, "Numerical simulation on jet breakup in the fuel-coolant interaction using smoothed particle hydrodynamics," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 53, No. 10.
- 나용수, "Numerical study of plasma evolution X-pinches in two- and three-dimensional geometry using a MHD code, STHENO," Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Volume 79.
- 정경재, "Numerical study of plasma evolution X-pinches in two- and three-dimensional geometry using a MHD code, STHENO," Journal of the Korean Physical Society, No. 79.
- 민동주, "Pseudo-acoustic anisotropic reverse-time migration of an ocean-bottom cable dataset acquired in the North Sea," Exploration Geophysics, Volume 52, No. 5.
- 정훈영, "Sequential short-term optimization of gas lift using linear programming: A case study of a mature oil field in Russia," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 205.
- 송재준, "The Effect of Joint Roughness on Shear Behavior of 3D-Printed Samples Containing a Non-Persistent Joint," Petrophysics, Volume 62, No. 5.
- 이유호, "The statistical ductility of embrittled Zircaloy-4 and its regulatory implications," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 554.
- 황용석, "Development of a hard X-ray detector for measuring continuous spectra generated by runaway electrons in VEST," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 170, No. 2021.
- 정경재, "Development of a hard X-ray detector for measuring continuous spectra generated by runaway electrons in VEST," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 170, No. 2021.
- 주한규, "Direct whole core modeling and simulation of the SPERT III E-Core experiments by nTRACER," Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 139.
- 민기복, "Discrete element modelling of multi-stage hydroshearing stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal System," Geothermics, Volume 95, No. -.
- 나용수, "Feedforward beta control in the KSTAR tokamak by deep reinforcement learning," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, No. 10.
- Takuji Oda, "First-Principles Calculations of the Diffusivity of Interstitial Helium in Alpha-U Considering Anisotropy, Isotope Effects, and Quantum Effects," Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 125, No. 38.
- 함택수, "Ion heating by nonlinear Landau damping of high-n toroidal Alfven eigenmodes in ITER," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, No. 9.
- 주한규, "Relative Speed Tabulation Method for Efficient Treatment of Resonance Scattering in GPU-Based Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Calculation," Nuclear Science and Engineering, Volume 195, No. 9.
- 조형규, "Scaling analysis for single-phase natural circulation under dynamic motion and its verification using MARS-KS code," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 159.
- 나용수, "Systematic evaluation of the effect of multi-ion-source neutral beam injection on motional Stark effect diagnostic in KSTAR," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 173.
- 조형규, "Advanced boiling heat transfer model for a horizontal tube with numerical analysis of bubble behaviours," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 175.
- 나용수, "Development of integrated suite of codes and its validation on KSTAR," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, No. 9.
- 송재준, "Empirical Model for Shear Strength of Artificial Rock Containing a Single Nonpersistent Joint," International Journal of Geomechanics, Volume 21, No. 8.
- 나용수, "Ion heating by nonlinear Landau damping of high-n toroidal Alfven eigenmodes in ITER," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, No. 9.
- 조형규, "Multi-scale simulation of wall film condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases using heat structure-coupled CFD and system analysis codes," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 53, No. 8.
- 민동주, "An efficient multiparameter acoustic anisotropic full-waveform inversion depending on parameterization," Acta Geophysica, Volume 69.
- 조형규, "Computational fluid dynamics analysis of buoyancy-aided turbulent mixed convection inside a heated vertical rectangular duct," Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 137.
- 나용수, "Evaluation of energy fraction of neutral beam particle by applying multiple linear regression to calorimetry result at beam dump," Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 168.
- 김곤호, "Development of Virtual Metrology Using Plasma Information Variables to Predict Si Etch Profile Processed by SF6/O2/Ar Capacitively Coupled Plasma," Materials, Volume 14, No. 11.
- 함택수, "Gyrokinetic simulation of low-frequency Alfvénic modes in DIII-D tokamak," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, No. 6.
- 나용수, "Parametric dependencies of locked mode thresholds in KSTAR L-mode plasmas," Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, No. 8.
- 김곤호, "Safety evaluation of atmospheric pressure plasma jets in in vitro and in vivo experiments," Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science, Volume 51, No. 3.
- 민기복, "The Potential for Low-Grade Metamorphism to Facilitate Fault Instability in a Geothermal Reservoir," Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 48, No. 11.
- 황용석, "Validation of neural networks model based on beam dynamics simulation for an automated control in high-intensity proton injector," Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Volume 78, No. 12.
- 허은녕, "Water resource R&D efficiency in Korea – toward sustainable integrated water resources management," Water Policy, Volume 23, No. 3.
- 주한규, "Analysis of C5G7-TD benchmark with a multi-group pin homogenized SP3 code SPHINCS," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 53, No. 5.
- 정경재, "Dependence of the polytropic index of plasma on magnetic field," New Journal of Physics, Volume 23, No. 5.
- 정경재, "Dependence of the polytropic index of plasma on magnetic field," New Journal of Physics, Volume 23, No. 5.
- 황용석, "Dependence of the polytropic index of plasma on magnetic field," New Journal of Physics, Volume 23, No. 5.
- 함택수, "Effect of temperature anisotropy on residual zonal flow level," Physics of Plasmas, Volume 28, No. 5.
- 조희찬, "Feasibility Comparison of Drying and Briquetting Processes Using Palm Oil Residue Based on a Pilot-scale Test with Indonesian Low-rank Coal," International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, Volume 41, No. 5.
- 민동주, "Imaging strategies to interpret 3-D noisy audio-magnetotelluric data acquired in Gyeongju, South Korea: data processing and inversion," Geophysical Journal International, Volume 225, No. 2.
- 김은희, "Multi-scaled Monte Carlo calculation for radon-induced cellular damage in the bronchial airway epithilium," Scientific Reports, Volume 11, No. 1.
- 황용석, "Data analysis scheme for correcting general misalignments of an optics configuration for a voltage measurement system based on the Pockels electro-optic effect," Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 92, No. 4.
- 정경재, "Data analysis scheme for correcting general misalignments of an optics configuration for a voltage measurement system based on the Pockels electro-optic effect," Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 92, No. 5.
- 김기현, "Design modifications to Rotating Modulation Collimators for extended field-of-view," Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 170, No. 2021.
- 주한규, "Investigation of Anderson acceleration in neutronics-thermal hydraulics coupled direct whole core calculation," Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 153.
- 조형규, "Local flow structure and turbulence quantities inside a heated rectangular riser in turbulent forced and mixed convection heat transfers," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 122.
- 황용석, "Radial profile measurement with an improved 1kHz Thomson scattering system on Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus," Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 92, No. 4.
- 전석원, "Accurate performance prediction model for impact hammer developed using customized evolutionary algorithm," Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 109.
- 나용수, "Development of a collective scattering system and its application for measurements of multiscale fluctuations in KSTAR plasmas," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Volume 63, No. 3.
- 황용석, "Development of a filtered AXUV diode array for X-pinch soft x-ray spectra in the energy range of 1-10 keV," Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 92, No. 5.
- 민동주, "Diffraction-angle filtering of gradient for acoustic full-waveform inversion," Geophysics, Volume 86, No. 2.
- 김응수, "Numerical simulation on LMR molten-core centralized sloshing benchmark experiment using multi-phase smoothed particle hydrodynamics," Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 53, No. 3.
- 주한규, "Practical Acceleration of Direct Whole-Core Calculation Employing Graphics Processing Units," Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 133.
- 허은녕, "Speculative incentives to hoard aluminum: Relationship between capital gains and inventories," Resources Policy, Volume 70.